Januari 05, 2012

Retreat: Metamorphosis♥

This is me (in the middle) with my friends, when we had just arrived at the retreat place. Totally love this picture♥ We had stayed there for 3 days. Love the retreat♥ Can't describe with words how amazing the retreat is and the meaning. The retreat had just changed my life a lot :3 

And this is my group♥ We played and we won for 2 or 3 times, I think ;) I forgot! And this picture ----------->
I think, the first day of the retreat. At the first, I got bored in retreat, because there was no my bestfriend joined the retreat :| But I tried to not sad or bored, I had the other friends too, I could join with them too :) So, I had fun with them so much ;)

Those are my friends, amazing friends and my Biology teacher :) I was having so much fun at there!! Wish that I can join the retreat again like this ;) And actually, this was my last retreat with some of my friends at the picture, because they'll move to the other school on this July :|

And I'm so in love with thiiiiiiissssss pictureee♥ mwaaahhh :3 me with my friend, actually we have the same name, but we have different nickname :) Look my expression, hey! I'm on the right side :D laugh for nothing (?) I forgot why I could laugh at that moment :D

I love the retreat♥
( 17.18.19 November 2011♥)
I'm being the Queen of the retreat, wanna see my crown? I'll upload it just for you ;) I promise...
I love the retreat, love it, love it, love it!! ♥
Wish that I can have that amazing retreat again :')

Amazing-Increadible-Unforgettable MOMENTS! :D
Photos taken by my friend, Mr R :)


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